Tag Archives: Firefly


A movie made for and because of the fans of Firefly. I saw this movie twice in the theatre and once on DVD, so far. It is the follow/wrap up of the storylines of the television show Firefly. Firefly followed the lives of a rag tag band of misfits who were dreamers, runaways, hardened war veterans and religious. The story recaps part of the series and attempts to get you up to speed with the characters, however you really needed to have watched the firefly series to really be a full part of the experience. The action was bigger and the special effects better and the dialogue was pure Joss (which means most cool). The enemies were more real and the biggest mysteries of the TV show were revealed. I wish this show had not been taken off the air.


Here is a DVD set that i truly worth any amount you can pay for it. This was a series that was cut short, poorly marketed and screwed with by the Fox network. This series by Joss Whedon was superb in every way. The storytelling, the character development and all around visual aspects of the show made it something to watch. From the gritty no nonsense Mal to the happy go lucky Kaylee the series had characters you will grow to love and cheer for. With only 13 episodes you merely scratch the surface of the these characters but in that time so much depth is created. This was truly a brilliant but cancelled television show the likes we will not see for a while if ever again.