Tag Archives: Food

National Potato Chip Day #DoUsAFlavor Taste Test

National Potato Chip Day
Photo-A-Day #4354

Today is National Potato Chip day and we celebrated by taste testing some new Lays flavors that are part of their #DoUsAFlavor promotion. Each year you can submit different flavors and the winning one gets a big time prize. Usually 4 flavors are created so that they can be tested and voted upon. I think these three were just made by Lays to promote the contest.

Springtime Fun with #HalosFun

Halos Fun Springtime Activity Pack
Photo-A-Day #4344

Wonderful Halos sent us another package of #HalosFun. Inside this Springtime Activity Pack there were some Halos in an Easter Baster, a craft kit to make some bunnies and chicks with the Halos oranges. I’m enjoying these kits that are sent, each one has fun activities for the kids. We’ll be using the kit to make these crafts. We have fun each time one of these are sent.