Photo-A-Day #3987
In my quest to be outside more and enjoy the world around me instead of just the online world I took Andrew for a walk today. We went to an Audubon Trail around the corner from us and I was surprised that the frogs were out already. I try and find frogs every time I go walking there. Find them with my camera that is. We never go and try to catch any. I’m trying to teach Andrew about having respect for the animals. We went to the zoo yesterday and I am adamant about proper zoo etiquette.
We were rewarded for our trip with seeing a whole bunch of frogs in the water and also some big fat tadpoles. We waited even longer and along came some catfish. No turtles yet but it was fun to see the tadpoles and talk to Andrew about how they become frogs. I will have to find a life cycle of the frog on an app or website or something to show him more.