Tag Archives: Grandpa Dano

Eva’s Got Some New Wheels

Photo-A-Day #2370

I received a PlasmaCar from PlaSmart Toys to do a review and today I put it together. When Eva came home from school I had it out on the patio. She was very excited about playing with it. She went and hopped on it and was moving right along. I think we found the right kid powered vehicle for her age. Continue reading Eva’s Got Some New Wheels

Eva’s Birthday Week has Begun

Photo-A-Day #2369

Today when I came home from work Allison’s parents were at the house. They are staying with us for a few days as they are up from Florida for a mini vacation to visit with the family. They arrived last night after I had left for work and Eva was so excited to have them come and stay with us. So when I got home we had a small party with Halloween themed chocolate donuts with orange sprinkles on them. Then I got some rest before more family members arrived for lunch. Today would be a day full of visits, good food and laughter. Continue reading Eva’s Birthday Week has Begun