Photo-A-Day #4662
On our last day at Great Wolf Lodge we had a plan. Get up and get going early. We had breakfast in the room and then got all packed up except for the clothes that we’d wear home. We went down for the opening of the water park and went right to the Canyon River Run (a 4 person raft slide). We enjoyed that one a whole lot. I ended up going down backwards each time, though so that Allison didn’t have to. I was also filming with my sister’s GoPro on an XShot mouth mount. This is as if I was wearing a snorkel but instead of a snorkel it had a mount for a GoPro This worked well on some rides but not others. The Otter River Run didn’t get anything because I didn’t have it aimed right But it did get some good stuff in the wave pool and on the tube rides.
On one side of the water park there is an activity where there are floating items that the kids need to walk over. They hold on to a rope net above their heads and then make their way across the floating items like stumps and acorns. It took Andrew a couple of tries but he did start to do it by the end of the trip. He was so proud. He and I did a couple of Otter River Runs back to back and then that side of the park shut down and we had to go back to the other side. We finished up with a last Canyon River Run and then headed to the room to shower quick and get out by 11am. We were out at 10:59. We were getting as much as possible out of our trip.
I packed up the car and then the kids finished out the rest of their Paw Passes by mining for rocks at the Mining Company. They both got some nice looking stones. They also got another pair of goggles and glitter tattoos.
I think that two days is a perfect amount of time to experience all that there is at Great Wolf Lodge. Definitely pack water and snacks to save money, though.