Tag Archives: Halloween

Helping Andy With His Costume

Helping Andy With His Costume
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01388

This year Andy decided that he would get a Strawberry Cow for Halloween. Allison got him a white sweatshirt and pants and then they sewed on some pink patches. They also sewed on black hooves and then added giant googly eyes to the sides of the top of the hoodie. Tonight Allison was out so Eva helped finish up the costume with Andy. It was nice to see the two of them working together.

Time for Trick or Treat 2021

Kids with their Halloween costumes.
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01035

This year’s Halloween was a bit different. I did not take any part of the night off so I did not get to go with the kids trick or treating. They still got to go, however. They went over to our friend’s house and they went trick or treating with them. From the looks of things the kids made out really well on the candy front.

Andy was adorable in his Axolotl costume. He even saw another kid dressed as an axolotl, too. He went trick or treating with the kids and their dad. Eva’s good friend Maryana was trick or treating in the same neighborhood so Eva got to go with her. Eva was super excited because a kid recognized her costume and that her a huge compliment. She couldn’t wait to tell me that that had happened. And Allison got to sip wine with her friend while that all went on.

andy and his pumpkins

Andy wanted to light up his pumpkins but we were not handing out candy so we did not leave them lit up. He got to light them for the photo and that is all. When everyone left to go trick or treating I turned off all the lights except for my office. I wouldn’t want to give people any false expectations.