Tag Archives: Harry Potter

April Loot Crate: FANTASY

Photo-A-Day #3669

Loot Crate continues to come up with fun and innovative crates filled with awesomely fun swag and incredibly detailed and fun crates. This month I receive my Loot Crate (which I have sent to me gratis as a reviewer – opinions as always are 100% my own) a few days ago but hadn’t had the chance to open it, yet. I opened it today and was thrilled at what I found inside. There were items from some of my favorite things like Game of Thrones, Princess Bride and Harry Potter. There were also some great D&D things and I am finding myself pulled toward learning how to play. Read on to find out what was in the crate. Continue reading April Loot Crate: FANTASY

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Yes, Book 7 of the Harry Potter series has had the release date announced. Harry and his friends will be back in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The announcement came out today and also the book went up for Pre-Order on Amazon.com. I am eagerly awaiting the release of this book as well as the release of the 5th movie this summer. I love it when Harry Potter mania comes around. Everyone goes out for the midnight parties, gets the book and starts pouring through it. I’ll be pre-ordering my copy very soon. Right now it is 46% off the cover price on Amazon. I bet it will be number 1 in under a week.