Tag Archives: Harry Potter

Let’s Play LEGO Harry Potter Collection for the Nintendo Switch

LEGO Harry Potter Collection Nintendo Switch

I received a download code for the upcoming LEGO Harry Potter Collection for the Nintendo Switch from WB Games. This is a remastered game that collects all 7 years at Hogwarts. It also includes two DLC packs. I took the game and decided to record a Let’s Play game through level 1 of the game. I have never played the game before and it was fun. I’ve been playing a ton of LEGO video games lately and while they pretty much place the same way. However, there are major differences between all of the games. With Harry Potter you have a wheel of spells that you can cycle through. Other games do not have that. I had a lot of fun playing this and you can see my reactions to the humorous parts of the game, because LEGO humor is awesome!

You can purchase the game through Amazon.com via our affiliate links below.

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Review: Hermione’s Light Painting Wand from Wow Stuff!

At Sweet Suite with the Hermione Wand

When we were at Sweet Suite 2018 we went to the Wow Stuff! booth and were amazed and delighted by the great Harry Potter toys that they had including the Light Painting Wands. Eva really wanted one of the Hermione light painting wands and so I requested one to review. Wow Stuff! sent us one to use in our review and video unboxing. Light painting is cool and fun to do. Basically you use long exposure photography to capture light from different sources. There are many great ways to do this. There is an app that you can download and use with this light painting wand. We tried the app but it wasn’t dark enough in the house to really get it to work the best. You need a tripod to really capture everything properly. Any movement when you are doing long exposure photography messes up the images. So, we took images with my camera because I could recreate the proper settings needed. You can see the full review below plus more information on the wands.

Continue reading Review: Hermione’s Light Painting Wand from Wow Stuff!