Have you seen the Hello Kitty StoryGIF app? Well, today the app launched an Advent Calendar portion that you can enjoy opening during the next 25 days. FRom December 1 to December 25 there will be 25 new animation squares that you can use to make your own StoryGIF. It is Hello Kitty so it is pretty darn adorable. The kids are big fans of Sanrio and Hello Kitty. On one of our outings to McDonald’s Andrew opted for the Hello Kitty option over the “boy toy”. He’s also enjoying making the StoryGIFs in the app. We received a free code to download the app but it is pretty reasonable at $.99 on iOS and $.79 on Android. I made an animation and then imported it into my computer an a .mov file and then uploaded it to YouTube to share with you.
Hello Kitty is putting a new digital spin on the Advent Calendar with the Hello Kitty StoryGIF Advent Calendar by Zoobe Messenger Entertainment. This special countdown to Christmas runs from December 1st to 25th where Kitty-fans can unlock a adorable free GIF each day they come back. (Or purchase all 25 at once.) The app will be available in apps stores on November 30, 2016 – on iOS $.99 and Android $.79. To find the app just search for “Hello Kitty StoryGIF”.

The Advent Calendar is a Christmas tradition that has been around since the early 1900’s that acts as a special countdown the big day with 24-25 doors or windows with chocolate or other special little surprises when opened each day leading up to Christmas. The Hello Kitty Advent Calendar is a digital experience that gives fans the same effect via their mobile phones with a new-adorable image to collect each day to express themselves, spread the holiday cheer and message to friends. Super cute. Super easy to use. Super Kitty!