Tag Archives: Home

Photo-A-Day #628 12/27/06

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Today was a very busy day at our house. The move to more area within the house is coming along. This morning I finished painting the baseboards, then Dad cut in the rest of the wall paint and touched up any remaining spots that needed it. Allison and I washed all the windows. Dad and I put together the IKEA bed. That went together like a dream. Five pieces, 4 screws, bing bang boom and done. The mattress, our new Tempur-Pedic arrived around 12:00 as Allison and I were finishing the windows. The room is now cleaned top to bottom, the bed is in.

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This shows the floor better.

After lunch Dad and I went to home depot to get a few things, a ceiling light for my closet, some light bulbs and a hot water tank. When we found the hot water tanks the one we wanted was a 50 gallon with a 12 year warranty, electric. There was one, the box was open and liked like the hot water heater had seen better days. One of the Home Depot guys came around the corner while we were looking at it and said that it was probably open because people check them out that way. Then he came closer and looked in the box. “I wouldn’t buy it” he says. So we didn’t buy it. We’ll try another home depot. We did pick up the light, some felt protectors for underneath the casters on the bed, and a longer pull chain for my closet light.

When we got home the glass that is supposed to surround the light was broken. So frustrating. So Dad installed the light and is returning the cracked bowl later on. Tomorrow I can start moving my stuff into that closet. We also installed the plate rack that Allison got from Southern Home Living. We are going to pick 3 of our favorite pictures and get them done in canvas to put on that rack.

Oh and I nearly forgot, we went through the front hall to get all the bedding for the new bed and ended up rearranging everything, and yet it looks exactly the same as before we cleaned it. Yet we took a lot of stuff out of the front hall. So all in all it was a very busy day.

Photo-A-Day #627 12/26/06

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today Dad and I worked on the new bedroom to get it all ready for the delivery of the mattress tomorrow. They are coming between 11:00am and 2:00pm. I called and talked to Jay at Sleep Easy and he said that he wondered if I had moved to another country. He was asking that because so much time had passed between when we bought the mattress and when I called to set up a delivery date. I assured him that no we had not moved and we were just getting the room ready for the new mattress.

Getting the room ready today consisted of adding shelves to my closet. A piece of molding int he area between the rooms. Taking off cleaning and then painting the baseboard for the heat. Painting the new trim around the baseboard. Touching up some of the spots that had been missed on the first go around. And then finally putting the doors back on and washing the doors and floor. Tomorrow I will give the baseboards one more coat of paint, wash the windows and window frames, wax the floor and assemble the new bed frame from IKEA.

Then we will look for window treatments, an area rug to put under the bed and a new bureau for Allison. We should also get me some draw liners for my built in set of drawers in my closet. Dad added wiring for a light to my closet and we just need to put in a fixture. We will probably move things in on Friday. Then we look ahead to the next room. So if you’ve been following, that is two rooms done. 4 more to go.

Taylor spent part of the day with us in the bedroom, she was very good all day. Such a calm dog, and she didn’t get any paint on herself.