Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01211
Our local pizza place has an item on the menu called Pretzel Nachos. It was national pretzel day today so I ordered some to try out. They were really good but it was way too much for me so I saved some for Allison and the Kids. If I was to get it again I’d order it for the whole family so we can all enjoy it fresh and not reheated. Although, Andy loved it either way. He was all about the Pretzel-chos.

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00664
The kids were talking about Oktoberfest and so I looked for pretzels because for Oktoberfest that is probably the only thing that they could enjoy other than sausages. I found Eastern Standard Pretzels and they are out of Boston. So, I ordered a gift box that had all sorts of soft pretzels inside. We’ve been enjoying them along with different specialty salts. One is a Chili Lime salt and it is rather tasty. They even have specialty sugars like a raspberry lime. I like to add both to my pretzels. I think that once the pretzels run out these salts and sugars will be good for rimming margarita glasses.
One Family's Adventures in the World