Tag Archives: house

Checking The Gas Line …

My gas meter
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02066

Eversource has been working on my streets for about a month now. Today they were working right in front of the house. They were also checking meters. Ours was covered by a plant and so they cut it back. That’s fine, I haven’t been good about keeping it uncovered. They did a total hack job on it. Cut most of it down except for two branches. They’ll be back later to put in new Smart Meters. A bunch of new technology is on the way. Of course, what I would really like to happen is for them to completely repave our road and redo the sidewalks. Maybe once everything is done.

Building with Andy

Building with Andy
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01590

Allison found a 9 pocket cubby for Andy’s closet to help organize it. I put it together tonight after the kid’s Jr. Krav Class. I did most of it but Andy came and helped out nailing in the tiny nails for the backing to the cubby and then we placed it in Andy’s closet so that Andy could fell it up with their clothes for school.