Tag Archives: images

In the Details

In the Details
Photo-A-Day #1376

I like to shoot things up close. I love the macro settings on my camera and the macro lens. But sometimes I get a pretty decent shot just by getting up close to something and seeing it from a different perspective. A State Trooper, and good friend, of ours lives at our house. He always parks his cruiser next to my car so today I saw the way the fender looked with the words State Police and thought, that looks cool let me get a nice shot of that. And I wasn’t too impressed with it but I still liked it a bit.

MA State Cruiser

Something really cool that I’ve been using lately is the site called Shuttercal. It is a small site but works really well. You can upload a photo-a-day, something I really like and know a little something about, to the site. You can make friends and you can comment on each others’ photos. The thing that I really like is that it limits you to one photo each day so as a friend it is easy to check out the best photo for that person each day. Commenting is easy and uploading and adding images is also very easy.

A site that I am also working with is called www.picadmedia.com and there will be little ads on my images for a while. If you see something that is inappropriate please let me know. So far the ads are pretty decent and certainly unobtrusive. You won’t see them unless you mouse over my images. I have no idea what the income is for this and so I will keep you informed as to whether this is worth looking into. Please let me know what you think of the little ads, do they bother you, do you like them, do you care?

Here is something that you should care about is you are a parent. The CPSIA is going to kills small home based business.