We received a download code for the movie as well as two to give away. Opinions are our own. Giveaway coming soon on my YouTube Channel
Back at the end of last school year I had the opportunity to have Andrew all to myself for a couple of days. It was at the same time as the theatrical release of Disney•Pixar’s “Incredibles 2”. So, we went to the movies together to see it. And we loved it! It was such a cute and funny movie. My absolute favorite part was with Jack Jack and the Raccoon. We even got some of the toys to review around that time and that was one of the best toys because it had Jack Jack get all fired up and run through his myriad of powers.

At its heart this movie is about family and about a family trying to make life work. I think that we all struggle with things that feel like they need superhuman strength to contend with. Whether it be working at a job you don’t like just to provide for everyone to trying to take care of all the needs of every individual in a household. That is essentially what is going on here but there are superpowers mixed into the equation. It was a very entertaining movie and I can’t wait to watch it again with the entire family.

Continue reading Disney•Pixar’s “Incredibles 2 Sticks the Hero Landing on Digital Today!