Photo-A-Day #3180
The most recent Loot Crate arrived the other day and it was a pretty epic one. One of the best T-Shirts I’ve gotten from Loot Crate was from this crate. It captured the theme of the crate absolutely perfectly. AT-Ats m,ade from XBoxes and Snow Speeders out of Wii U gamepads. Even using a Wii Nunchuk for the wire looping around the legs of the AT-AT was cool. Such a great shirt.
It also came with some fun items like the Iron Man 3 Funko tin tastic creative activity set. And also these additional items. Continue reading Loot Crate December: Console Wars →

My Office Desk has too much stuff on it. Glad these go on the wall, plenty of room there.
I’m a big fan of the Iron Man franchise of movies and when I was asked to try out and review some Iron Man 3 wall decals from RoomMates I said sure. I had two options to choose from and I will be giving you my honest opinion of the set I chose. I could have chosen a set of 24 foil decals or a set of 36 edgy decals. I don’t know what Edgy means but there were 36 total and since 36 is better than 24 so, I went for 36. Continue reading Review: Iron Man 3 decals from RoomMates →
One Family's Adventures in the World