As a PBS Kids VIP (Very Involved Parent) I received the opportunity to host a summer reading party. This was in conjunction with the iVillage PBS KIDS Summer Reading Community Challenge. I was sent summer reading packets for 15 children. I brought packets to all of Eva’s classmates and I also gave some to friends and family. We did not have a party per se but I did give each person a letter explaining the program and all the great resources for parents and kids to help get the kids reading over the summer. Eva has become more and more interested in reading and I think that by participating in this program it will help Eva go into Kindergarten as a strong pre-reader. I hope that the packets help all of her classmates as well.
there were additional items in the party kit including some crayola markers, which I donated to the class, and also a Dr. Seuss hat and many other items which I gave to the classroom. I’m interested in learning how the other parents are getting along with the program and I’ll be providing updates on how Eva and I work together helping her to learn to read. For more information on the programs from PBS and iVillage check out the press release below.
Continue reading The iVillage PBS KIDS Summer Reading Community Challenge is Back for the Third Year