Tag Archives: Jim Kukral

Cal Ripken Jr. at the M3 Summit

Cal Ripken Jr. at the M3 Summit
Photo-A-Day #1980

This morning I was up at the crack of dawn ready to get to the airport for the start of the Modern Media Man Summit down in Atlanta, GA. I got to the airport and started taking a few photos of EvaBear and tweeting and a few other things. While I was doing that I saw a tweet from Chris Brogan. The title sounded cool and so I clicked over and then fell on my face with joy. Chris took my comment from a previous post of his and made it into a full on post and he linked to my blog consulting business. He talked it up and well, it opened the floodgates. I got some seriously awesome inquiries from that. So now I have to get rich and buy Chris that pony he’s always talking about. Continue reading Cal Ripken Jr. at the M3 Summit

Everyone Knows A Lot About Something

Attention! This Book Will Make You Money: How to Use Attention-Getting Online Marketing to Increase Your RevenueDarren Rowse, otherwise known as Problogger.net, slowly and quietly built a million-dollar brand for himself on the Web by becoming the world’s authority on how to create and profit from a blog. How did he do it? It all started with a domain name and a passion for blogging, which he then built up over time as THE most trusted and respected resource in the world of professional blogging, all from his living room in Australia. Rowse realized that he knew a lot about the business of blogging early, so he took that knowledge and used it to help education millions of others with a craving for that information.

Brian Clark, also known as Copyblogger.com, spent two years giving away free information about how to write powerful and profitable copy for the Web. In return, Clark, a former lawyer with a knack for words, now holds the title as one of the most influential and skilled copywriters online. This influence has allowed him to launch a litany of profitable products of which his eager readers snatch up without question.

Joel Libava took his years of experience and expertise as a franchise owner and turned it into a well-known brand and business called The Franchise King. Libava leveraged his knowledge into a successful franchise coaching business. He is also a frequent media personality having become a trusted resource for newspapers, magazines, television stations, and radio stations all over the country.

Shawn Collins and Missy Ward took their years of knowledge and experience in affiliate marketing and created the worlds largest affiliate marketing conference and industry mega-brand called the Affiliate Summit.

These are only a few examples of regular people taking the knowledge that they have in their heads, and transferring it onto the Web. Millions of people just like Darren, Brian, Joel, Shawn and Missy wake up every day and reach for Internet millions using the same philosophy, and so can you. You simply have to figure out what it is you know a lot about, or are really good at.

How Do I Figure That Out?

Here’s an exercise for you: Get out a piece of paper or open a Word document and write down a list of subjects you happen to know a lot about. It can be anything. Maybe you’re the worlds best stay-at-home mom, or you happen to be really good at playing World of Warcraft. It doesn’t matter how silly or small or weird you think it is, and here’s why: The truth is that, whatever you happen to know a lot about, or are really good at, there are people out there who want to know what you know. That’s the truth. It’s the reason why Google makes billions of dollars and why the Internet spins round and round. People want to find answers to their problems. Like Google, you’re going to give it to them.

Jim KukralFor over 15-years, Jim Kukral has helped small businesses and large companies like Fedex, Sherwin Williams, Ernst & Young and Progressive Auto Insurance understand how find success on the Web. Jim is the author of the book, “Attention! This Book Will Make You Money”, as well as a professional speaker, blogger and Web business consultant. Find out more by visiting www.JimKukral.com. You can also follow Jim on Twitter @JimKukral.

From Drew: As you know I’ve read this book and I loved it. There is so much to it and you should really truly buy it – Attention! This Book Will Make You Money: How to Use Attention-Getting Online Marketing to Increase Your Revenue (Aff Link) Buy it, not because Jim is my Friend, which he is. Buy it, not because he guested on Geek Dads Weekly, which he did. And Buy it, not because he’s an amazing speaker, which he most certainly is. Buy it because Jim is the guy who can kick you in the butt to get you where you need to go. He’s a guy that you should be listening to because he is business, not fluff. If you are still not convinced that you should buy this book I think you should watch this video to learn more about Jim and Attention!