Tag Archives: Karate

Stripe Test Day

Stripe Test Day
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00813

Today was Stripe Test for Me, Eva and Andy. I had mine in the morning and that gives me 3 stripes on my Red Belt with another 3 months to go before moving to Advanced Red. Andy got 3 on his Advanced Brown belt and in another three months will move to Red Belt. Eva is on a three month track now and that means that she has earned her Purple Belt and will receive it on Thursday. She’s been doing a great job in Krav. She got off the mats today and started reading her book. I looked over and saw that she had scraped some skin off one of her knuckles. She’s hitting pretty hard for that to happen. She didn’t even notice.

Andy did well in his stripe test, too. while he doesn’t take it as seriously as his sister, he’s still improving every class. It took me a long time to really see that in him. I tend to only see the goofing around. I’m trying to pay more attention to how he’s improving.

Board Breaker

Board Breaker
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00806

At Karate they have these break away boards that kids get to break during class on occasion. It is a great way for the kids to keep motivated and feel like they are doing some really cool stuff. Andy broke his board on the second try. I was recording this on video in the mirrors so it is a bit grainy and far away. Hard to get a good shot with the phone this way but I can at least pick the frame I want and got the moment of impact.

Tonight Eva helped me talk about a video series that we love. It is called The Legend of Korra and we recently received a great Steelbook of DVDs that had the whole series and lots of amazing commentary. We discussed it in the video below.