Tag Archives: Kids

Silly Gooseberry

This Crazy Nut Nut
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00679

My boy has started trying to scare his sister by jumping up out of her bed. You’d think that this would be difficult to do but because Eva keeps so much stuff on her bed you can hide in there like ET did in Gertie’s closet. So, for the past couple of nights he’s climbed into her bed and hidden there until she comes in. Tonight he popped out and she screamed and then started laughing. They were both laughing so much.

Of course, he had better watch out because as she continues to take Krav Maga classes she may have the muscle memory to respond with an elbow to the face when getting a jump scare from her brother.

My Silly Ones

My little nuggets
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00054

These two are the sweetest silliest little ones you could ever have in your life. We have a set of cards in the house that are questions to discuss at dinnertime. The kids found the game again recently and started using it at dinner. We had some good questions tonight including things that you like about the person to your right which turned into what you liked about everyone in the family. These guys are both silly and insightful. It was a nice conversation.