I have partnered with Life of Dad and Idahoan® Foods for this campaign, but my opinions are my own. I think highly enough about myself to want to be crowned The #KingOfSoup,
I should be crowned the #KingOfSoup because, I love soup, I can make some pretty great soups and I have never once trapped an unsuspecting fly in any of my soups! All kidding aside I know a new secret to making amazing soup. That would be the Idahoan® Premium Steakhouse® Potato Soups. With these in my kitchen I can transform the place in mere minutes into a snazzy steakhouse. We can even take our kids because we’ve raised a couple of super well behaved children that any parent would be proud to take to the fanciest of venues.
We have always taken out kids out to eat at various restaurants. The kids know how to order and how to behave while in a public restaurant. They are quite well behaved children. We’ve taught them that manners are important when ordering. You look the server in the eye when you order. You thank anyone who brings anything or takes anything away from the table. “Please” and “Thank You” go a long way. However, the kids have really only been to places where they can still color on the placemats or get something from the kids menu. We wanted to show the kids that there was another level to dining out by stepping up our dining in.
With Allison’s help and Idahoan® Premium Steakhouse® Potato Soups we transformed our dining room into a steakhouse experience complete with candles on the table and even a table cloth and fancy napkins. As an added special touch the kids got to drink their milk and water from our fancy crystal wine glasses. We could really tell that the kids hadn’t seen anything like this when they asked what the multiple utensils were for. They also said that they didn’t know that we had a table cloth because we had never used it before.
We did this on probably the worst possible day, too. It was snowing like crazy, I had slept poorly all day and was preparing to go back to work that night after snow-blowing our property and that of our neighbor. We didn’t have much time to get things prepared but luckily our selection of Idahoan® Premium Steakhouse® Potato Soups was a mere 5 minutes to prepare. I took a shower and changed into something nicer than I’d ever wear to work. Andrew decided that he wanted to wear his tie like dad, so we dressed alike while Eva put on her nice dress from Christmas.
For our choice of soup we had to go with the Loaded Potato. That was the flavor that I most wanted to try. After exploring the Idahoan® Foods website I knew that we also had to pair this soup with some crispy bacon crumbles and even a half slice of bacon as garnish along with some green onions and a little shredded cheese. Allison even put on a rosette of sour cream to really make this soup look super fancy. We certainly didn’t need to add anything to enhance the flavor. This was a rich and creamy soup with an excellent flavor and texture. The soup was filled with real Idaho® red potatoes and red potato skins. Plus, while other soups take around 15 minutes to prepare, Idahoan® Premium Steakhouse® Potato Soups only take five minutes to prepare on the stove.

Dinner was well worth the effort. Adding the Idahoan® Loaded Potato Soup to an old standby, breaded pork chops, made the meal so much more special. The kids learned a little more about fancy dining and I think that they may be ready to go to a fancy dinner out. However, with the Idahoan® Premium Steakhouse® Potato Soups we don’t have to go anywhere to have a steakhouse experience. I can be the #KingOfSoup in my own home. For more great ideas from my fellow #KingOfSoup competitors search the hashtag #KingOfSoup.
You can find and follow Idahoan® Premium Steakhouse® Potato Soups all over social media @IdahoanFoods: