Tag Archives: Laughter

Jokers For The 40 Year Old Boy

Photo-A-Day #3341

For a few weeks I’ve been posting tweets attempting to get the attention of Chris Hardwick and his Nerdist Podcast. I really would love to see Mike Schmidt as a guest on the show. Two years ago I went to Mike’s one man show, Success is not an Option, and had a great time. I also went to dinner with Mike the night before and that was a great time. Mike spent a few minutes during the show ripping me apart because I ate all of the Avocado from a salad that we were sharing at dinner the night before. Mike likes to order a bunch of things and share them with the table.

So, on June 1st I tend to wear a 40 Year Old Boy T-shirt and think of how else I can promote Mike and his podcast because I think he’d be a great guest on The Nerdist. Hopefully someone will see my posts, photos and tweets.

Barefoot Schroeder

Photo-A-Day #3277

I woke up today to the sounds of the kids playing together. They were loud but they were very engaged with each other and having a great time. They were playing hide and seek under the desk in the kitchen and stacking up the paper towels to make a little fort under there. Of course they were easy to find since they were giggling like crazy.

Can't Hide the Laughter

After dinner Eva wanted to do a little Rock and Roll show for us so I took her keyboard downstairs and she made up a song, highly influenced by Frozen, and sang to us. It was quite beautiful. Then Andrew had his turn and he made me think of the Peanuts character, Schroeder. He’s even got the hair.