Tag Archives: martial arts

Graduating To A New Rank

Graduation day
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00715

Today was a day to celebrate the hard work it took to accomplish earning a new rank in our Karate and Krav Maga classes. Each of us advanced to our next rank. Eva has earned her third belt. She’s our newest student in the family and she is loving her classes. She really taking her training seriously. She has even set up a workout routine to do each night. She lights up on Krav days or when she remembers that she has class.

Andy has earned the rank of advanced brown. This is where he and I diverged in our belts being the same color. Adults go from brown to red then advanced red. Karate kids go from brown to advanced brown then to red. Either way we each have about a year before we test for our black belts. Andy did an excellent job on his test. He enjoyed learning how to use nunchuks this time around. I think this is his best work yet.

As for me I earned my red belt. I’m coming up on two years at America’s Best Defense. It has been a major challenge for me. When I started I had frozen shoulder and I could barely do a dozen pushups without falling to my knees. Now I am doing 40 each morning and 40 each night. Shoulder pain is pretty much gone. I’m definitely feeling much stronger after training a couple of days a week for a few years. It has been an interesting journey for all of us. Even Allison took a Women’s Self Defense class this past year.

Eva’s First Jr. Krav Maga Lesson

Evas first Krav Class

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00561

During the Summer America’s Best Defense offers free training to family members and this year we decided to take advantage of that benefit. Today Eva took her first Jr. Krav Maga class. I am so proud of her. It is no secret that this is something that I have wanted Eva to learn for a while now. I’ve not pushed her toward it but I have offered her to try it out. Every time there is a buddy week or whatnot I encourage Eva to go. Well, this time she’s actually taking classes on her own.

We went to ABD and Eva and I met with Sensei Howard. He brought her through some of the basic moves and combinations. Then she got on the dojo floor with Mr. Brochu and the students in his Jr. Krav class. He told us that “She’s gonna be an animal” at the end of her class. Eva has a quiet intensity and she tries really hard to get things right. I know that she can do this and the main reason I have encouraged her to start training is not only the self defense benefits but the benefits of increased confidence. That is the main reason I have encouraged Eva to start is to gain that confidence in herself that is lacking. No matter how much encouragement we can give it will not bring about confidence in herself. She will find that in training and being completely outside her comfort zone. I cannot wait to see where she is in a year.