Photo-A-Day #4065
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about downsizing lately. The sheer amount of stuff that we have has gotten to be an overwhelming burden. I am making my own problem here, too. I love stuff. I love toys. I love the next toy and playing with all sorts of toys. What is the next shiny new thing I can get my hands on. Hot Wheels, Skylanders, Transformers, Comic Books and so much more. I not only buy these things for myself but also for the kids. It has gotten to be much too much. My bank account certainly knows the sting of too much stuff. My anxiety level and stress level know the sting of too much stuff. The problem is, when I buy something, I feel better…. for a time. A very short time. Stuff can mean many things to many people. It can mean security. If I have these things I’ll not be caught not having something if I need it. It can mean happiness. That new car is going to make me feel better, whether it be a real driveable one or a Hot Wheels. But the security and the happiness does not last.
I’m happiest when I’m not surrounded by my stuff. When I’m in a hotel room and it is me and a backpack, or on the water with just my kayak and paddle. I like when we go down to the Cape because it is simple, we have a few things with us that we can carry with us. Everything else we figure out.
I’ve watched two very good TEDx talks recently about downsizing and they are TEDxAsheville – Adam Baker – Sell your crap. Pay your debt. Do what you love. and The Less You Own, the More You Have: Angela Horn at TEDxCapeTown. As I find more I’m going to share them as well.