Tag Archives: Modibot

Hold It Right There

Photo-A-Day #3152

I’m still photographing my Modibots this weekend. So, I took the character I created yesterday and had him pick up another character. Then I figured I’d show the police officer figure trying to stop the guy from hurting the orange guy. However, what if the guy with the wings was actually a good guy and he was fighting with a bad guy. I’m having fun posing these Modibot figures in all sorts of positions.

Invasion of the Modibots

Photo-A-Day #3151

The other day I posted about getting my shipment of Modibots from the Kickstarter campaign. Well, I put them all together and started adding the accessory sets to the figures. Many of the figures, at least. I did take one figure in particular and add the most accessories to it. The one I mean has the Angel Wings, Cyborg Arm, Venture pack weapons and an arm bracer from the pirate kit. The figures are really fun to pose. I’ve been trying to see how well I can balance them in crazy poses, too.