Tag Archives: Mufasa

Happy Father’s Day with Simba and Mufasa

Can you feel the love?

Overall I think that it is sad that the government has a site to instruct dads on how to be fathers. On the other hand it is a good thing because so many men need the help and support to be dads. Personally I love being a dad and had a great role model growing up. I hope that I can be that for Eva and that she’s learning good things from me as she grows.

I have a special PSA from the upcoming re-release of The Lion King that is for Fatherhood.gov. I went to the site hoping to find some good resources but as with anything government related the work hasn’t been done and the information is not there. There are so many coming soon pages on the site that I thought it was 1996. Come on, get some real dads in there working on this site. The only thing I saw there was the Fatherhood pledge and a page that said read to your kids. Very weak. But, like I said this is not a site for Dad’s who don’t need government instruction on how to be great dads and love their kids.

The PSA is cute though. Too bad the site it directs you to is not that useful.

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