Tag Archives: naptime

Racked Out

Photo-A-Day #3584

I woke up today even more miserable than yesterday. I was knocked on my butt for most of the day having a hard time moving around and doing anything. I had Andrew with me and he is still not up to par. No swimming lessons for us today. I don’t mind missing play group but missing a swimming lesson stings. I love taking him and he is improving so much. I was going to try and get out to Target to get some medicine but looked outside at the tiny amount of flakes falling and decided to just sit put. I had to take another night out of work and hope to be well enough to return tomorrow. Getting as much sleep as possible tonight.

I didn’t get any extra sleep today, I tried but Andrew wasn’t cooperating. He certainly should have been tired, he had Allison and I up at 4am. I left him alone for a little while and he fell asleep on the couch, in my spot and I couldn’t risk waking him by moving him so no nap for me today.