This week is National Bubble Week. Back in 2000 National Bubble Week was created to celebrate Spring. Bubbles are such a fun outside toy that make you think of Spring. Getting outside, laughing and playing in the sunshine if a great thing to do with a container of bubbles.
We were sent a Gazillion Bump & Go Bubble Car to try out in celebration of National Bubble Week. This fun little car spins and moves all over while blowing tons of bubbles through the roof of the car. While the snow has yet to melt completely it is starting to disappear and today was a beautiful warm day, a promise of things to come. Soon the kids will be able to chase the Bump & Go Bubble Car around the back patio through a flood of bubbles.

If you’d like to celebrate National Bubble Week I have some suggestions on ways to celebrate. Continue reading It is Gazillion National Bubble Week