Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01709
We were able to sell off Andy’s bunk bed last week and I ordered a new bed for Andy’s room. We were going to go with a new box spring on a metal frame that my parents had but a box spring is around $100 or so. I found a metal bed frame that would have enough support for just Andy’s mattress for much cheaper than that so I went with that. It also has a foot of clearance under the bed so we can store things like blankets and other items under the bed easily. That way they are not piled up near the head of Andy’s bed. I think I can also pick up a headboard if that is something Andy wants for the bed. I should be able to attach it to the frame since it has holes for something like that already.

Photo-A-Day #3575
went to IKEA today with Andrew and Uncle Mike. That was after Dad came over to help us get Andrew’s new mattress. We got a bed frame from Allison’s grandparents and it has been in the garage for a while. It was time for Andrew to get his own bed. We’ve had the IKEA crib/toddler bed for the past 7 years and it has served us well for both kids. Now it is time for retirement.
After a nice breakfast with Dad at Morin’s we went to Bob’s Discount Furniture where I had purchased a mattress and foundation for Andrew the day before. I was planning on getting the mattress from Big Lots but changed to Bob’s. ad remembered me saying Big Lots so he went there and I went to Bob’s. We got it worked out in plenty of time because the place didn’t open till 10am.
We got the mattress and foundation into the house to air out. Then Andrew and I caught up with Uncle Mike and drove to IKEA. I had to return something. It was a fairly short trip but we did have lunch there and walked a little bit through the downstairs. I bought Andrew some under the bed storage, only to find out later that there is such a low clearance on this bed that these under the bed storage items won’t fit, under the bed. We also bought some alphabet cookies (I was really expecting more umlauts.)
One Family's Adventures in the World