Tag Archives: Nintendo Switch

I Finally Upgraded My Laptop

Ne Laptop and old
Photo-A-Day #4473

After 8 years I finally decided to bite the bullet and upgrade my laptop. For the past 8 years my workhorse has been a 13.3″ HP Pavilion laptop with an Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo Processor SU7300(1.3GHz,3M Cache)w/Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD. It had 4 GB of RAM in it, a 320 GB Hard drive and I picked up an external CD/DVD drive. The cost = $675 after some coupons and rebates from someone I met at Blog World Expo.

The new laptop boasts these specs. It is 17.3″ and I didn’t fully comprehend that size until I saw it next to the old laptop. It dwarfs the thing! Although the Old Laptop has a ton of great stickers on it. I may have to save it specifically for that reason. The new laptop has a dedicated video card with 4GB of RAM. That is what my old laptop had in it for RAM alone. This RAM in this new one is 16GB and that allows me to do plenty of things at once, which is the way I work. I’m constantly switching between Photoshop and Premiere and more. There is an integrated DVD+RW drive and a 1 TB Hard Drive so I’m not running out of space anytime soon. It also has the latest Intel Core i7 processor and boasts speeds from 2.7 GHz to 3.5 GHz.

The main reason I got the new laptop was to produce Gameplay videos. These are videos where I play a video game on my Nintendo Wii U or Nintendo Switch and then capture it to comment on it, share tips or just show off the game with a review. I’ve been getting some great Nintendo Switch games lately and I really want to show them off to everyone. So, I also got an Elgato HD 60 S game capture device. I’m going to test it all out while I’m in New York for Blogger Bash. Why did I take that all with me. I knew I’d have a little time to do it and the room would have an HD TV in it that I could us, plus the Nintendo Switch and base is super portable. I’m only in NYC for an overnight for Blogger Bash but if I record some gameplay tomorrow night and edit it on the train ride home I’ll have something fun to show you. Gotta be productive and not just play games. Here is my unboxing video about the new laptop.

Some Zelda Gameplay & Smashburger

Photo-A-Day #4464

I keep working on the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Sword Trials. I have completed the lower trials. These are the easiest ones, the first 15. Once I do that the Master Sword gets 10 points stronger. You are transported back to the Korok forest to start the middle trials. I discovered that it makes no sense to try and do the first 15 again in hopes that you continue to the next fifteen with the items that you found in the first set of trials. So, you do each set of trials to upgrade the Master sword 10 points at a time. Right after the part of video that I finished I got killed by a tougher enemy. I was one level away from finishing the Middle trials. Ouch.

Allison and the kids are visiting with our in-laws tonight and when they are away I tend to head over to Smashburger for dinner. I just love that place. Such good burgers and their fried pickles are great! I am always social when I am there, posting pictures of the meals and such. I posted today’s photo to Instagram and twitter and the usual places where you can find me.