Tag Archives: Nintendo Switch

National Cereal Day 2017 – I’m No Longer Switchless

National Cereal Day
Photo-A-Day #4347

Today was National Cereal Day 2017. General Mills Cereals sent me a care package for celebrating National Cereal Day. In it was a box of Golden Grahams, some items for taking selfies and more photos as well as decorations. I made a couple of things for the family. I made some Golden Grahams S’mores and some Lucky Charms Pancakes. I mixed up the mixture last night to actually make waffles but today was also national pancake day so I changed my mind this morning. Last night I also made up the Golden Grahams S’mores and they were very easy to make.

Today was also the day that I received my Nintendo Switch. I tried making an unboxing video and it was okay. It was hard to video something that has such a shiny screen. I was able to play a little of The Legend of Zelda as well as some of Skylanders Imaginators. I’ve got many ideas for future videos to make, now I have to figure out the best way to do it. Here is my unboxing video.

Continue reading National Cereal Day 2017 – I’m No Longer Switchless

How Awful Do Nintendo Switch Cartridges Taste? – Taste Test Challenge

Legend of Zelda Cartridges
Photo-A-Day #4345

Did you hear that Nintendo has coated the Nintendo Switch game cartridges in Denatonium Benzoate. This is a a very bitter agent and the reason is so that small children and pets do not put the cartridges in their mouths. Well, the reaction from people all over the web has been a bit extreme as far as the overall taste of the carts. I give it a go but not before licking my way through the Nintendo history of Cartridges including the Original Legend of Zelda Gold Cartridge.

So, In this video I give the Nintendo Switch game cartridges a taste test. I have two games so far, The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild and Skylanders Imaginators. What did I think about the taste of these games? You can find out in the video below.