Tag Archives: Nintendo

Being a #3DSKidForADay on the Play Nintendo Tour 2016

Pizza and Nintendo 3DS at dinner  - Kid for a Day
Photo-A-Day #4146

We were hosted by Nintendo to attend dinner and a Play Nintendo Tour 2016 experience event. Opinions of the night’s activities are 100% our own.

Tonight we had a very special evening. I was invited, along with the whole family, to the South Shore Plaza where the Play Nintendo Tour 2016 has made a stop. There are stations set up all over with Nintendo 3DS XL, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 2DS portable game systems. The Play Nintendo Tour 2016 will be at the South Shore Plaza all weekend so head over to play with the newest Nintendo 3DS games, win prizes and have a lot of fun!

We got there early and walked around Target for a bit, then we went up into the mall. We spent some time in the LEGO store because, well, it is the LEGO store and there are cool things to see. We wandered further along and ran into fellow blogger, Aaron Gouveia of The Daddy Files and he let us know that the Nintendo area was just a little ways further into the Mall. We were still early for Dinner so we headed there to check things out. It was intense. There were dozens of game systems and a bunch of games, fun photo op areas and there was a card that you get and then go from station to station to play each game and get stickers. Then, when the card is filled up you brought it to someone working the booth and they would give you a coin for a chance at playing the claw game. You get a second one for going to play.nintendo.com on your mobile device. Andrew did this first and he didn’t get anything on his two tries. He’s also 4 so he had a very tough time not winning anything. He had a meltdown. The poor kid was so overtired. I got down with him and explained that we were there as special VIP folks and that we were getting a gift bag at the end and it would have goodies in it that no one else here would have. There is no use crying over the game, it is a game of chance and we can’t win everything. I was observed talking with Andrew and the woman whispered, “Good job dad.” Thanks, sometimes I can actually get things to turn around with the kids. I’m getting ahead of myself, however.

Continue reading Being a #3DSKidForADay on the Play Nintendo Tour 2016

Millennials and Nintendo. Are they the true NintenDads?


So I got this graphic sent to me by the PR firm for Nintendo. They never do squat with me except to send me press releases. This one is for Father’s day and it is really sweet. The thing that cheesed me off was the copy attached.

“For dads today, especially the millennials, Nintendo was a big part of their childhood. These “NintenDads” have fond memories of playing Nintendo games like Super Mario Bros. (that celebrated its 30th anniversary last fall) and the original NES, Super NES and Game Boy systems.”

Can you guess what bugs me about this?

“Especially Millennials” !!!

Really, what about Generation X or Generation Y who were of prime age to get the first NES games and systems? I got mine at 10 years old and played every day after school and into the night. I’m 42 now I loved every minute of game play. My very first NES has serial number 000001 (true story). I played it so much that it broke and I got a second one. I still have it and all of my old games. I had the power glove, I watched The Wizard like it was a documentary. I’d mow lawns to save up for so many games.


It is the Gen X and Gen Y dads who most remember playing Nintendo every day and have a fondness for it. No matter what other game system that has come out since they are still loyal to Nintendo. They can still do the Konami code in their muscle memory and remember having to blow into the cartridges of their games to make them work. Or saving up their lawn mowing money to get the Game Boy so that he and his friend could play games, linked by the cord, in a car all the way to Florida. Buying stockpiles of AA batteries so we could keep playing?


Damn It! I feel like an old man yelling for the damn kids to get off my lawn! Yes there are so many other things to worry about in this world then something silly like this. Maybe I should just look at the image and see that it is of a dad who loves Nintendo and who is glad that his kids love it, too. That is something to enjoy this Father’s Day. Playing Splatoon with my kids and introducing them to classics like The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Brothers.
