Tag Archives: Nintendo

Tons of Nintendo News Leading to E3

The theme from Nintendo this year for E3 is to bring E3 to the people. I go to a ton of conferences and E3 is one that I have not been able to attend. I hazard to guess that the majority of gamers out there have never been to E3 but are eagerly awaiting news that will be coming out of the event. Nintendo is doing something different this year and it is bringing their unreleased games into Best Buy so that gamers can experience them. I learned about this while watching the May 17 Nintendo Direct address. The video is 28 minutes long and has so much information contained within it. Continue reading Tons of Nintendo News Leading to E3

Have you Updated Your Wii U This Week?

Super Marios World on the Wii U Virtual Console
Super Mario World Screenshot (Graphic: Business Wire)

I got home this morning to find that my Wii U was ready to perform an update. I’ve been playing with it for months now and haven’t seen an update for a while but this is a major update and it adds a bunch of new features and sets up some other features that are coming soon. I’m excited for the virtual console games that can be played on the gamepad. For nostalgia’s sake I’d enjoy playing excite bike, Metroid and Ice Climber once again. While I do still have those actual games in a box somewhere along with my NES, which I’m saving so that I can torture my kids some day and show them what I had to play as a child as opposed to the amazing games they will have available to play. We played with dots and blocks and liked it! Here’s more info on the update.

Continue reading Have you Updated Your Wii U This Week?