Tag Archives: NX30

You Won’t Believe it!

Photo-A-Day #3286

My Samsung NX30 has a special mode on it called Silhouette mode. With it I can take some very cool photos with back-lit subjects. The kids were playing at the window at the top of the stairs together and I caught a bunch of shots. I loved this one the most because of the profiles of both kids and you can feel the excitement from Andrew as he tries to express something to Eva.

Brand New Gear

Photo-A-Day #3262

For the past few months I have been shooting with the NX300 from Samsung as part of the Imagelogger program. Well, my contract has been re-upped because I was sent the NX30 the other day as my new camera to shoot with. I can shoot with both but the NX30 is the one that is going to be primary. I’ll continue to shoot with the NX300 as well.

There are a few differences that I see right away. The NX30 has a really nice hand grip. It is more substantial than the NX300. There are more knobs and buttons on the NX30 than the NX300. the NX30 lets you set the shooting mode with knob. It also has two custom settings hat you can program for things you normally shoot, this will come in handy for photographing the toys. Continue reading Brand New Gear