Tag Archives: Photography

Photography as Therapy

This month I am giving away a GISTEQ PhotoTrackr Lite. I think that Photography for me is a form of therapy. I like to be able to look back over the year and see how far I’ve come and where I’ve been. And with the PhotoTrackr I can see exactly where I’ve been. I wonder if photography is a therapy that they try at drug rehabs. I know that art therapy is useful in treating disorders but I wonder if it is used for addictions as as well. It really might be something worth exploring.

Shelburne Farms Photowalk

I finally put together my photowalk gallery for the trip to Shelburne Farms last week. I decided on about 40 images that I liked. I added them to a Flickr Set and then uploaded one to the group I started New England Photowalking. I usually post photowalks on The Benspark but because this was an outdoor activity I figured that this would be a great blog to showcase the photowalk.

If you are unfamiliar with photowalking it is a term to mean going out walking around with the sole intention of taking photos. That’s it, take tons of photos improve your skills and have a great time.

Start here with the map of the photowalk. this was captured using my GiSTEQ PhotoTrackr. What a great device for Photowalkers. Automatic geotagging.

Photowalk at Shelburne Famrs

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