I’ve been playing a bunch of Skylanders lately. I haven’t been playing through the story mode though, I’ve been playing all the characters through the Heroic Challenges. These are 3 – 5 minute little side stories that the characters can do to earn increased speed, Armor, Critical Hit and Elemental Power. While you do these Heroic Challenges you can also earn gold. You can do this by placing the Treasure Chest onto the Portal of Power along with your character. This only works for Heroic Challenges that were in Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure. In Skylanders Giants there are 27 Heroic Challenges that were in Spyro’s Adventure. So, if you do all 27 of them and get the treasure chest in each challenge you can earn about 8100 gold (300 per Treasure Chest). Apparently there are 5 Heroic Challenges from Spyro’s Adventure that did not make it into Skylanders Giants. Continue reading Get Tons of Gold in Skylanders Giants