Photo-A-Day #4133
I got to work tonight and everyone was looking out the windows at a huge double rainbow. It hadn’t rained much around work but in the outlying areas there were people who got downpours. I tried to capture the whole thing but it was just too big and it didn’t look great through the windows.
I started watching The Last Kingdom today on Netflix. This is a show that was on BBC and is based on The Saxon Stories books by Bernard Cornwell. I have read some Bernard Cornwell books about King Arthur and so I was interested in this series. The show is pretty well done. First season is on Netflix now with 8 episodes and apparently the second season has Netflix co-producing. I like that. I watched the first two episodes so far and it is an enjoyable show. It makes me want to read the books, too.
I did not sleep very well. I kept waking up over and over. I’d have thought that I would have slept great with a quiet house but that was not the case. When I woke up I opened another box that I received this week and also a game that I have been meaning to review. You can catch that on today’s vlog.