Tag Archives: Ready Player One

How Do I Keep Getting Behind?

More to do again
Photo-A-Day #4738

It is a rhetorical question that I ask myself almost every week. How do I keep getting behind? I get all caught up on the videos, photos and promotions that I blog about each week only to turn around and see that I still have a bunch of things that haven’t been published, written about or recorded. Of course, we just spent a weekend away and that always gets me behind on things. Then more things get delivered that I had forgotten about. I try and keep a zeroed out inbox, or at least I just keep in the emails from things that I haven’t finished yet. Everything else or replied to and archived and gone so that I can focus. The thing is, I’m finding it harder to focus. There is just so much happening that it means that some things get pushed off by a day or a week. Then I have posts that require help from the kids and we only have Wednesdays and Mondays to accomplish that. I keep working on a schedule and it keeps getting blown out of the water.

Well, I will get everything done, in time.

Ready Player One Review and Giveaway

Ready Player One
Photo-A-Day #4732

I was provided a gift card for the movies and I used it to see Ready Player One. I was also given a Ready Player One prize pack for myself and one to give away… to you!!! Opinions are my own. I’ve been so excited to see Ready Player One. I received the book in the February Loot Crate in 2015 themed Play. It wasn’t until a couple of months ago that I actually got around to reading the book. Once I did I was all in. Not only did I read the book but I also listened to the audiobook read by Wil Wheaton. I loved the books.

What did I think of the movie, though?

As an action adventure movie that is a good family movie I would say this definitely on point. the movie and the books diverge in many ways. Not bad ways but they just diverge. Many characters in the movie have larger roles then they had in the book. Key action points that a character in the book does become action points for another character in the movie. One character from the book who is a bit of a throw-away character has a much larger role in the movie and is played well and for great comedic effect by T. J. Miller. He certainly brings the character of I-R0k to life in an interesting way. Ben Mendelson plays the IOI head Sixer, Nolan Sorrento, to his creepy best. The casting choices were excellent including casting for Aech, they really got that character right.

I understand why they beefed up certain roles and changed so much of the book. While the book plays out like a movie in my head it does get bogged down in minutiae that you can do in a book that doesn’t translate well into a movie. Also, there are things in the book that might not have worked like watching a character play a video game like Joust or Pac-Man. I did wish that they were able to get the rights to either Wargames or Blade Runner in order to do those scenes but the way they incorporated a movie as one of the challenges was good, too.

The challenges in the movie are entirely different and the notion of there being a key and then a gate is done away with. The keys are what remain for the movie and again that is to move the action along. It was a long movie but it goes by so quickly. I did need to stop comparing it to the book in my head many times. I can’t decide if it would have been better to see the movie before reading the book or done it the way I did it. But, it was definitely worth the watch!

Well, I have a great prize pack to offer you. Not only will you get the essential Ready Payer One swag but also the book and Fandango passes to see the movie! Here is what is in the prize pack!

Ready Player One Swag

  • t-shirt
  • button pins
  • book
  • tote bag
  • water bottle
  • screen wipes
  • Fandango code carrier valid for up to 2 tickets to see READY PLAYER ONE in theaters

Enter through the Rafflecopter Widget Below.

More info about the Ready Player One Movie: Continue reading Ready Player One Review and Giveaway