Tag Archives: reviews

Happy Orange Smile

Photo-A-Day #2789

Allison and Andrew enjoying a post House of Fortune dinner orange. Andrew was a fiend for oranges. He kept going after them and chowing through them. Then Allison put one up to make it look like a big Orange smile. He loved it.

Eva was a huge help for me this afternoon. We worked on the back yard cleanup (I’ve been so behind on that) and she wanted so much to help me rake the leaves. So, even though she really made more work than help I let her help out. I figure that if I completely turn her off to helping me by not letting her help me than when she has the ability to rake up leaves in the future she will refuse to help. If I let her help now then maybe she will continue to help out as she grows up.

Eva did help me do a couple of reviews today too. She really enjoys helping make the videos. She also likes to go and do her own videos. She starts off on target and then takes a complete left turn soon after she gets going. It is hilarious but I can’t use much of it. They stuff I can use is priceless though.

My Review Partner

Photo-A-Day #2457

Eva and I played with some Busytown toys today. They came to me for review and we gave them to Andrew for Christmas. He’s not old enough to play with them let alone know that they exist so Eva and I opened them. I was taking photos for the review and Eva was being silly. So I snapped this photo and kept it for today because the eyes are too funny.