Photo-A-Day #4072
It was quite a busy day today. I started it off by working on the World of Tanks, tank and almost finishing the whole thing. I have a small amount left to go. This has been interesting assembly for me because it took a lot of time to put it together but it was fun to do overall.
Then it was time to take Andrew to school and I forgot my gym clothes so that was a wasted day for that. I went home and took care of a few things before returning to get Andrew from school.
It was time to get home and do the rest of the activities for the day. I recorded a couple of episodes with Chris and Don from Dad Spotlight. We talked first about the Toys to Life video game genre and then about the Summer of Super Heroes and the toys that are being put out for those movies. It was fun getting a chance to work with those guys once again.
After that it was time for a Twitter Party about Ring Video Doorbell. That was a great time. We had a fun time. One lucky winner got a great prize package with the video doorbell, stick up cam and solar panel charger. It is a really cool setup. I am looking forward to actually installing mine.
after the twitter party I had a phone interview with Joe Nieves from the Disney Channel show, “Stuck in the Middle”. It was a very nice interview about being a dad and what it is like to play a father of seven. Neither of us could actually imagine that being the reality.