Tag Archives: Road Trip

Photo-A-Day #732 04/10/07

Car in Marsh

Today I had an early demonstration but the rest of the day was free. I took the opportunity to drive the Creole Nature Trail which is not just a scenic byway but an All American Road. I started in Sulphur, LA and headed down to Holly Beach, LA. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #732 04/10/07

The Thing About My Folks

Last night Allison and I watched a very nice movie by Paul Reiser called The Thing About My Folks. The movie starred Paul Reiser and Peter Falk as father and son. I love father and son movies. I love road trip movies and I think Paul Reiser has an excellent flair for dialogue. Both Allison and I loved the movie. It was touching in parts, heartbreaking in others and humorous as well. The Amazon plot synopsis goes like this:

Plot Synopsis: Ben’s dad Sam shows up one night with a note from Ben’s mother (Sam’s wife of 46 years), that she has left. While Ben’s wife and his three sisters try to find her, Ben takes Sam on a day trip to see a farmhouse that’s for sale. The day trip turns into a road trip while dad and son explore their past, their relationship, and why Sam’s wife might have left him. The road trip includes fishing, drinking, playing pool, sleeping under the stars, and frank discussion. Anger simmers close at hand, as do love and hope. Where Sam’s wife is – and why she left – leads to the movie’s resolution.

The movie is worth checking out.