Tag Archives: Samsung NX300

Viking Cheese Face

Photo-A-Day #3217

Andrew has discovered a few things this week. He’s discovered his sister’s Viking Hat. He’s also discovered how to unlock the child safety locks on the entertainment center. One is cute and the other is just a big hassle.

It is a hassle because he takes out every DVD in the cabinet and more. I’m going to have to figure out something else to keep the DVDs safe from little hands.

Photo was shot with the Samsung NX300 using the 30mm lens as part of the Imagelogger program.

Spidey and Supes

Photo-A-Day #3208

My Loot Crate this month came with a Superman figure from Funko Pop. It is the Superman from the most recent movie and it looks really nice. Then I was at Target and they had a bunch of Spider-man figures (bobblehead ones) on clearance for $2.68, well I couldn’t pass that up. I got the idea of doing a sort of split face photo like it was a movie or something with Spider-man and Superman. Could be a funny team up.

Shot this with my Samsung NX300 and the 60mm Macro lens.