Tag Archives: School Life

Andy’s First Dance

Andy and the Aloha Dance
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01612

Tonight was Andy’s first school dance. Andy and Allison picked out a nice Hawaiian shirt from Savers and then Allison helped Andy take off the sleeves. Allison and I decided that Andy should be wearing some nice khaki shorts instead of gym shorts. Andy was against that but I picked up a nice pair of tech shorts and Andy tried them on and decided to wear them to the dance. I think that they looked really good on Andy.

While Allison took Andy to a pre-dance party and the dance itself I went to America’s Best Defense. ABD was having a tie-dye night and I brought the three shirts to tie-dye. Eva was off to her first concert with Auntie Tara. They went to see a band called Lovejoy. Eva was thrilled to see it and spend the night hanging with auntie Tara and also see her two friends and see those two friends meet each other in person for the first time. When she came home she was all wound up and so excited. The best night of her life.

Tonight was also Boot Camp and it was an intense Boot Camp, the last intense one before the test next weekend. I’m both excited and nervous about it.