Photo-A-Day #4193
Have you seen the new Season 2 teaser trailer for Voltron? It is pretty great. I am excited for the second season to drop on Netflix. There are a few things I’m apprehensive about but for the most part it is going to be awesome. I’m slightly worried about what will happen to Shiro because he’s my favorite character and he’s voiced by Josh Keaton. When I met Josh Keaton at DreamWorks Animation Studios earlier this year he was really cool and one of the people that I had been hoping to meet. See for yourself but there seems to be some foreshadowing going on in this trailer.
I’ve been seeing some great new Rogue One toys hitting the stores. Today I found a two pack of Hot Wheels character cars. This one was a Storm Trooper and a Death Trooper. I’ve also been picking up the Funko Pops for Rogue One and I found a second Jyn Erso character. This one is not the one with the helmet. This one is different than the Target exclusive one. This new one has a brown coat and a blaster instead of the black uniform with the energy batons on the back.
When the Star Wars toys dropped on #ForceFriday there were some that were not for Rogue One. There is a new figure for Sabine Wren and this time her helmet can be removed. There is also a Kanan Jarrus figure in a stormtrooper uniform. They look great, but what I’m the most excited about is that the Star Wars Rebels characters are coming out as Funko Pops, that will be awesome!
Speaking of the Funko Pops, I picked up The Flash Pop a while back and unboxed it today because of tonight’s Season 3 premiere. Having the episodes picking back up is so cool. This season the show is doing Flashpoint, which was a major storyline in the comic books. Barry is back and he has changed the past. Now his new life is starting to unravel as the timeline is trying to correct itself. I put my thoughts at the end of today’s vlog.
Also in Today’s vlog I talked about my upcoming trip to California to meet with the cast of DOCTOR STRANGE. I don’t know exactly who I’ll be interviewing but I do hope that it will be Benedict Cumberbatch and Benedict Wong. I’m wondering if anyone who is reading this would like to send me some questions that they would want me to ask on their behalf? Leave the questions in the comments below.