Tag Archives: Shredder

Shredder in Profile

Photo-A-Day #3194

I picked another one of my toys to shoot in portrait. I set up the Kick on the Gorillapod so that I could light the Shredder figure. I shot it in profile so that I could capture a very dark background and make the figure pop.

I was using the NX300 with the 60mm Macro lens. I really notice how badly the toys I have need to be dusted when I see them in macro.

Booyakasha! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Toys

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

When I went to the Time to Play Showcase last year I saw the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toys that were coming out for the brand new show on Nickelodeon. I even received a Raphael toy to bring home. It has been on my desk at work ever since. I’ve had that figure posed in a dozen different ways. The new figures have several points of articulation which means that you can position them more ways that you can count. They are also pretty well balanced so you aren’t constantly readjusting them or picking them up. I had Raphael balanced on one leg on the flat screen monitor of my computer and he didn’t fall off unless I bumped the desk. So Playmates sent me two toys to review and they are a basic Shredder figure and a Flingers Donatello figure.

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