Tag Archives: Siblings

In the Same Boat

Photo-A-Day #2854

Eva and Andrew certainly love spending time together. They make each other laugh, hug and kiss each other. They play well together and Eva looks out for Andrew. I love when I can capture a photo of the two of them enjoying being together.

Today was my Mom’s birthday. We went over for dinner and cupcakes. Andrew and Eva kept everyone laughing with their antics. We had a very nice time with Mom and Dad. Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Halloween 2012

Photo-A-Day #2763

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It is even more fun with kids because they get so excited about it. Eva had been planning what she would be for about a month and by planning I mean changing her mind over and over. Finally she decided that Pocahontas was what she wanted to be. So, for her birthday she got a Pocahontas costume and a stuffed Meeko raccoon. We were also fortunate to find a Carters raccoon costume for Andrew so that he could be Meeko to Eva’s Pocahontas. I think it worked out very well and the kids were so cute together.