Photo-A-Day #4098
When I got to work tonight one of my co-workers had the new Samsung Gear 360 camera. This takes 360 shots and videos. The image above was taken with the camera and the image below is the photo as it is in Facebook, however when you look at it in Facebook you can click on the image and pan a full 360 around my desk at work. I really want to get my hands on one of these cameras for my own use. I’d like to mount one on my kayak and get some good shots and video on the water. I still don’t know when one of these will be available in the US for purchase. The one that my co-worker got is an International version.
When I got home I was greeted by the kids who just wanted to dance. They love dancing around and being silly. They had me laughing at their antics. I have some of their dancing in today’s vlog.