Photo-A-Day #3993
This was my third day on an adventure in Joshua Tree National Park. I have been on a Men Who Blog trip sponsored in part by Mazda. Images and evidence of this adventure can be seen with the hashtag of #DrivingMatters on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. We were also sponsored by Napoleon Grills and Hormel Foods with Support from DriveShop. You can see my other adventurers over at the Mazda #DrivingMatters Exploring The Desert page.
Morning came quickly today but I slept quite well despite it being cold at night in the desert. I was very warm in my sleeping bag with my hat and socks on. I had a special pillow and also my neck pillow (for air travel) with me. I think the first night I was just a big mess because of how little I slept up to that point and then the time change. I was so out of it when I got up yesterday.
today, however I got up with purpose, to capture the sunrise. I was very pleased with all the night shots that I had taken the previous two nights that I wanted to capture a good sunrise shot. That would be the one from today’s Photo-A-Day. My vlog today is of all the places that I visited today.
Continue reading Searching for Salvation Along the Salton Sea #DrivingMatters