Tag Archives: Sleeping

He’s the Boss

Photo-A-Day #2748

Andrew is the little Boss of the house. He’s been kicking our butts for months. Tonight he had me over the ropes with his screaming and crying about not going to bed. He was put to bed early, he fell asleep during his last feeding of the night and I was relieved. On Tuesday’s Allison knits so I am home with the kids and Eva usually makes a fuss or wants me to stay with her for a while. We’re tying to get her to sleep on her own. She drags out her bedtime whenever she can. But she went to sleep without issue, however Andrew woke right up. Continue reading He’s the Boss

Thanks for Noticing Fortune Cookie

Photo-A-Day #2403

Got off a thirteen hour shift because of the time change at 2am. I actually saw all my electronics hit 2:00am and then jump back to 1:00am. I won’t lie, that sucked a little. The thing is, I’ve been looking back on my work life and I recall when I was a Residence Hall Director and a Resident Assistant. I used to work on weekend nights and it was always a point of contention with students being able to stay longer in the dorms because of the time change. You see, we had inter-visitation policy called Parietals and that meant that boys could be in girls dorm and girls could be in boys dorms. Every year that was an issue and every year that I was in that position I worked that shift. So I guess that last night should have been no biggie. It actually wasn’t a big deal but it did make me tired. Continue reading Thanks for Noticing Fortune Cookie