Tag Archives: Spider-Man

Spider-Man: Far From Home – Review and Giveaway

Night Monkey
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00274

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment sent us a special Spider-Man: Far From Home themed activity care package and a copy of the Spider-Man: Far From Home Blu-ray Combo Pack for free to watch the movie and do the activities. Opinions are our own.

The special package that we received included a special mini suitcase that had an inflatable travel pillow that is Spider-Man themed, a couple of exclusive Night Monkey tshirts. These things are spectacular. There were some items to do some nifty science experiments which you can do at home, just download the .PDF below.

The kit also contained some items that we could use to make some special Mysterio cupcakes. Let’s just say that they involved cotton candy! You can see the one that Eva made in the photo above. We also received a copy of the movie on Blue-ray and my review is below.

In Spider-Man Far From Home we find Peter Parker and his friends on a special field trip overseas. Peter just wants to have a nice normal time with his friends without all the craziness of being a super hero. The problem is, being a super hero doesn’t mean that you get any time off. At any moment there could be a huge lava monster trying to attack you and your friends at a carnival. Maybe you are going to a nice gondola ride and a water villain attacks. Or maybe super spy, Nick Fury straight up kidnaps you and makes you help some new hero. Poor Peter.

I enjoyed Spider-Man Far From Home very much. It came quickly on the heels of Avengers: Endgame and it is very much an epilogue for the first 10 years of the MCU. Peter already has great responsibility and he gets even more heaped upon him when he received E.D.I.T.H.. E.D.I.T.H.is a pair of glasses that Tony Stark left to Peter along with everything that it controls in Stark Industries. Peter is not quite sure he wants all that responsibility and so when given the chance to find a hero who is more worthy than him he decides to give up the control and E.D.I.T.H.. Not exactly the smartest thing that Peter could do because that hero ends up being a fraud and Peter has to again learn from a big mistake and set things right.

How can You Get Your Hands on a special prize pack that includes the Night Monkey Tshirt?

You can enter my giveaway below and you will receive a Spider-Man: Far From Home shirt, a travel card wallet, and a DVD!  Use the Rafflecopter widget below and make sure that you leave a comment on the bottom of this post in order to qualify for the giveaway.

I also have full details of the movie and a bunch of fun clips. Continue reading Spider-Man: Far From Home – Review and Giveaway

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse DVD Giveaway

We received a prize pack of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse items as promotional material from Sony. They are also supplying the prize pack. Opinions of the movie are our own.
Andrew with the Spider-Man DVD
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00074

Today we watched Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Andrew and I had seen it already in the theater but Allison and Eva had not. I am pleased to say that the whole family enjoyed the movie very much. The kids even wanted to check out all the special features once it was over. There are some really nice special features including a tribute to Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Those guys were the creators of Spider-Man. You can tell that everyone who worked on this movie was really excited to be a part of it. It shows in how well the movie came out.

I loved the story and the message of the movie. The animation was something I had never seen before in my life and it was mesmerizing. It kept switching styles, was frenetic and the music went so well with the movie. Much of the music was not what I would normally listen to but it went well within the content of the movie. Then there was the Stan Lee cameo and I cried. It was so touching. There was just so much awesome packed into one movie and I loved sharing it with the family.

I’m giving you a chance to share this movie with your family, too. I have a giveaway of the Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse DVD, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Cinch Sack, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse branded figurines (actual prize will be a random character), themed wristband (Miles shown as example, actual prize will be a random character). Enter through the Rafflecopter app Below.

Continue reading Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse DVD Giveaway