Tag Archives: Spiderman

Unboxing the Marvel Collector Corps Spider-Man Box

Unboxing the Marvel Collector Corps Spider-Man Box
Photo-A-Day #4149

My Marvel Collector Corps Spider-Man box arrived today. I was really pleased with what was inside the box. I liked it way more than I liked the Marvel Collector Corps Year One box. That box was a bit of a disappointment. While the card inside the Spider-Man box said that one item was the first in a Collector Corps Box it was actually not, the Year One box had one of these items first. I address that in the video below.

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Movie: Spider Man 3

Last night Allison and I went with our friend James to see Spider Man 3. We went up to the Regal cinemas in Hooksett New Hampshire. I like the Regal cinemas because they have a cinema club and offer free popcorn Tuesdays, that is a good deal. Apparently James used to work at this theater back when it opened. I remember going there when I was back in College.we probably passed each other at some point.

The movie was a decent popcorn movie for the summer and weighs in at 2 hours 20 minutes. So it was long. There were some spectacular special effects. The story wasn’t too bad and I love the cameos by Stan Lee and Bruce Campbell. I love it when they show up in the movie.

Topher grace played a very good Eddie Brock. Though he did not get enough screen time in my opinion. I did like how they made the Sandman and they used him pretty well. I enjoyed how we finally get the full picture of the death of Uncle Ben.

What I found weird was how the black suit made Peter some sort of cheesy 70’s disco dancer on the street. So weird. A web comic that I read sums it up pretty well. Here is hos take on Spiderman 3.

All in all I liked the movie and it fits well into the Spiderman movie franchise. I look forward to each one when it comes out.

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